About Dentures
When many teeth are lost or extracted, a denture may have to be fitted to maintain normal chewing, bite, speech, and the appearance of the upper and lower jaw.
Types of Dentures
- Partial denture
- Full denture
- Immediate denture
- Over-denture
- Materials
Fitting the Dentures
Over the first few days:
- Dentures may feel tight and uncomfortable
- Dentures may feel bulky
- Gums may feel sore
- Some may experience a gagging sensation at the back of the throat
- Some may notice an increase in the amount of salive in their mouth
- Eat soft foods
- Speech may be affected but will improve over time
Cleaning Your Dentures
How to clean:
- Remove them and rinse away food particles with warm or cold water.
- Hold the denture over a basin of water or towelling to avoid breakage if dropped.
- Brush both the inside and outside surface with a soft toothbrush and unperfumed, mild soap or other approved denture cleaner.
Do NOT use:
- Hot or boiling water
- Standard toothpaste
- Abrasives
- Detergents
- Bleaches
- Methylated spirits
- Other strong chemicals of any kind
Denture Care Instructions
- Take denture out at night
- Wash it at least once a day with a brush and mild detergent
- Remove and rince denture after eating
- Handle your denture with care as they can break easily
- Insert and remove denture with fingers; avoid 'biting' denture into place
- If your denture is not fitting properly or does not feel right it is best to check with your dentist
- Make sure you see your dentist every 6 months so they are able to provide advice on oral hygiene and denture care
- It is extremely important to maintain excellent cleanliness of your natural teeth with tooth-brushing, flossing and Piksters