Many people in Sydney are now chasing the latest trend, which is to add a ‘sparkle’ to their teeth with tooth jewels.
There is a wide range of tooth jewellery available depending on your personal preference. The jewels range from crystal coloured diamantes to 18k gold designs with or without added semi-precious stones.
These jewels do not harm your teeth. The jewellery is applied to teeth the same way as orthodontic brackets – a procedure which has been around for a long time. Your teeth DO NOT have to be cut or drilled away.
The procedure involves the dentist carefully cleaning a small spot on your tooth/teeth to make sure that the surface is clean and dry. Then the jewel is then placed on your tooth with a small amount of adhesive. The treatment is painless. The treatment is also reversible. If in the future you no longer want the tooth jewellery, the dentist can easily remove it for you.
To find out more about tooth jewellery, feel free to contact us on 02 9181 2226