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(02) 9181 2226

It Starts With a Smile.


Sleep Dentistry at Drummoyne Dental Practice

At Drummoyne Dental Practice, we are pleased to offer Sleep Dentistry or Intravenous Sedation to our patients.  If you have a fear of dentists or a fear of any dental treatment, then you may benefit from sedation.   Apprehensive, anxious or patients with a strong gag reflex can now relax, lay back and comfortably experience pain free and stress free dental treatment.  Intravenous sedation ensures that patients do not remember the dental procedure.  Paitents may feel like a procedure lasted only a few minutes, when in reality it may have taken several hours.  No procedure is too small for this process.  If you are too anxious to have a dental clean, then sedation can help.  While you drift off into a state of drowsiness, you will be pain free, very relaxed and the time will seem to pass very quickly. Your appointment will be over before you know it. You will need someone to drive you home.

All types of dental treatment can be performed under IV sedation.  However, the most common treatments which may be performed under IV sedation are:

  • wisdom teeth removal
  • orthodontic extractions and general tooth removal
  • dental implant placement 
  • minor oral surgery procedures 
  • general dental treatment for nervous patients

Who performs the Intravenous Sedation?

The intravenous sedation will be performed by a specialist anaesthetist.  The anaesthetist will be by your side before, during and after the dental procedure until you have recovered.  As your sedation is being administered by a registered medical practitioner, you will be eligibile to claim for a Medicare rebate for the cost of your sedation.


If undergoing IV sedation, fasting will be required, so please do not eat for 6 hours before your scheduled appointment.  If your appointment is in the morning, do not eat or drink anything from midnight the night before.  Please remember that if you are not properly fasted, your appointment may have to be rescheduled.

What happens after the procedure?

After the procedure, we allow for a brief recovery period during which time you will wake up.  After you wake up you can go straight home, however you must be accompanied home by a responsible adult. 

To find out more information about Sedation, please call us on (02) 91812226 to arrange for a consultation with one of our friendly dentists.
